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What previous participants have to say...

"Learning about Circle of Security Parenting has radically changed my approach to parenting. I have taken parenting classes in the past. They were informative and helpful, but I always felt like there was a missing piece. When I signed up for the course with Anne, I could feel that it was going to shift my perspective. The teachings for the first few weeks were straightforward and clear. Everything was easy to understand and I felt like I was creating a new foundation for my relationship with my daughter. Building that secure foundation, I felt really supported and motivated to re-adjust my view of parenting. It was about halfway into the sessions that I had a monumental realization. I saw the blindspot that had been blocking me from deeply connecting with my daughter. It was like finding a missing piece of the puzzle I had been putting together since I became a parent six years ago. Suddenly, I had the full picture. I understood that connection is the key! It would have been easy to fall into blame and shame about what I had or hadn't been doing, and I didn't (at least not for long). From the beginning of the course, it was made extremely clear that it is never too late to change the way we parent. Relationships with our children can be repaired - once a true reconnection has been established. Fundamentally, I knew that to continue to blame or shame myself would only keep me blocked from the connection with my daughter that we have both been desperately seeking. I am so grateful to Anne for creating a safe space to explore and reflect on beliefs around parenting. Facing the reality and consequences of our choices is an extraordinarily humbling experience, and would not have been possible without the safe space held by Anne.


I am not exaggerating when I say that what I learned in this course has completely changed the way I parent. Instead of turning away from me when she's upset, my daughter now turns to me. Becoming the parent I have always strived to be, and the parent my child deserves, feels good. It leaves room for my human-ness. I know that I won't always be perfect, I will make mistakes, and in the process of repairing, I'm modeling for my daughter that she doesn't have to be perfect either. It's not always easy, but it is very simple: we all want to be seen, heard, accepted and loved for who we are, and children are no exception."

~Erin (Canada) mother of 6 year old



"As a mother of 4, taking the Circle of Security parenting session was hands down the most valuable "parenting" course I've taken.  I wish I would have taken it before I had kids but was so glad to have found it now!  


With its clear and simple teachings, I was able to see how my own filters and experiences have shaped my role as a parent and also how I can further pull back the layers on what no longer serves me and show up as the parent I want to be.  


The COSP sessions really taught me how to identify patterns in my kids and where and how it is needed for me to show up for them.   I highly recommend this course and loved Anne's warm and welcoming facilitation.


This is THE course I recommend to other parents who are looking to strengthen the bond with their kids and raise confident and healthy children."

~Kelly (Canada) mother of 3, 6, 9 and 11 year olds




"I am a father of four strong willed, wonderfully active children. My partner completed this course prior to me. She strongly encouraged me to invest my time in this course, and I hesitantly dove in! To my delight, I found this investment to be the most impactful thing I have done in regards to my parenting. Learning to understand their behavior and be with them in a loving and nurturing way has brought so much more ease into our lives. I can confidently say that there is less intensity and conflict in my home now. With more peace in our lives and a greater understanding of how to meet our children’s needs, I wholeheartedly give two thumbs up to the circle of security program, and Anne Watson’s guidance through it."
~Joel (Canada) father of 3, 6, 9 and 11 year olds




"I participated in the circle of security parenting course with Anne and it changed something inherent in me as a mother.  When my nine year old son used to come and sit on my lap and nag while I had important adult conversations, I used to push him off and get angry at him.  Today I understand the importance of giving him a tight hug when he comes.  And this and many more key understandings revealed by the Circle of Security methodology changed my perception of my children and their needs and made me a wiser, stronger and kinder parent. Thank you Anne!"

~ Avigail (Israel) mother of 4 and 9 year olds




"I feel really grateful for taking this course.  The Circle of Security principal is so simple and so accurate.  What a great observation and understanding of human, child/parent relationships.  If we can understand our children's needs and meet them, we can guarantee a safe and strong relationship.  This is priceless.  Thank you, Anne!"

~ Vanessa (Brasil) mother of 3 and 6 year olds




"I am so grateful I participated in the Circle of Security Parenting sessions. 

What I most appreciated was learning new information I could use right away that made a positive impact for my family. 


Anne’s approach was both gentle and straightforward. She provided an excellent learning environment because she was warm and welcoming, while also providing structure and routine. Anne went the extra distance to include me, make sure I had the materials I needed and catch me up when I was unable to attend a class.  I highly recommend you take the Circle of Security Parenting workshops."

~ Erin (Canada) mother of 5 year old 




"For me,  Circle of Security is a simple and extremely valuable tool for understanding so much of children's behaviours and needs. Anne is a gifted facilitator who was clear and thorough in her presentations. I recommend this course for any parent and especially anyone struggling with challenging attachment dynamics"

~Ashley (Costa Rica) mother of 9 month old, 4 year old and 6 year old

“The Circle of Security showed me that I can either spend my time and energy dealing with my son’s difficult behaviour, or I can choose to attend to his needs in a positive and attentive way BEFORE we both lose it. It gave me a map of his needs that helps me during difficult parenting moments. It also gave me insight into why some of his behaviour triggers me and causes me to react in ways I’d prefer not to, and gave me more positive ways to deal with tough situations. I think any parent owes it to their kids (and themselves) to take this course!

~Lindsay (Canada) mother of 5 year old




“I'm only 3 weeks into this course and already the changes in my home life have been unbelievable. I am an older single mom of two young boys that I raise entirely on my own...and I have been struggling. Since I started this process, already our home is a kinder safer place. All of our hurt feelings and anger outbursts are rapidly dissolving. My youngest and I spend more joyful time together (fewer tears), and my oldest is whining less and communicating in a better way. For some reason, I am going to bed earlier, eating better and am generally healthier. I believe that to be because I feel more hope and less guilt. I feel stronger, I actually feel worthy of my children for the first time.


What children need to thrive is very basic, but it's a miracle to have someone lay it out like this. On the surface COS-P seems simple but it has drawn out much more complex subjects within myself and has helped me weave together a picture of my life. I have been able to reveal aspects of my parenting that I thought would stay hidden for ever. How do you tell someone that you pinch your children? The more difficult it was to share, the stronger Anne held the space for me as I revealed what I needed to, in order to make the dramatic shift from parenting how I was parented to parenting like I wish I had been. Anne is remarkable at pulling together the bigger picture and has a deep empathy for this world and its children. I think a lot of parents are stuck in a bubble, in the moment, so overwhelmed that any change is very difficult. This course has started the process for me of seeing a bigger view of what is going on and that has been very helpful. I can step back from the moment and focus on what is healthy and good for my children. I am forever grateful. Remember, it's never too late.”

 ~Tilly (Canada) mother of 3 and 5 year olds

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